17 October 2011


Grounded as it is upon the schizomythological clitalysis of altarian texts (SCAT), Nabokov’s Infernos qua project shirks the critical literalist’s traditionally ethico-aesthetic, and typically asinist, pursuit of the paperist illusions (PI) of influence and allusion, inspiration and style, novelty and plot, und so weiter, and opts instead, par contre, for the epigeal impertinence of the clitical ritualist’s be(com)ingly ichno-enkylistical divastigation of the ubiquitous tracks, the synchronic traces, the very plural and yonicistic scat of promiscuous textuality as revealed by the sepalian ludict procédés (the rime argile of eurynderastic process; the eosdoli [‘dawn ruse’] of senimality) by all means of which an author redistemperates mnasiakakoe (remembrance of wrongs past) into words to make a story out of, e.g., sinemota (plundered themata, transformed; termed erautist recedeatism by the eurynderasts among us) and ideorhesaleotia (the agglomeration of words into forms; also known as urdostoist conjunctivism by ditto). Arist exemplars (AE) of our project have been suppressed for reasons of aerolexist equilibrium (AE). Ici se suivent quelques références.

Devi, K. & Schlame, G. (1993). Be(com)ing. The resonance of character. Translexicalia II.

Devi, K., Swopes, D. I., & Vighdan, B. (1994). The schizomythologic analysis of texts is homologous to the sociophysiology of ritual. Journal of Sociophysiology 00201.

Rexni, I. (1994). La zeocosmología. Aseli: Ilesa.

Roussel, R. (1935). Comment j’ai écrit certains de mes livres. Paris: Lemerre.

Schlame, G. (1994). The promiscuous text. Translexicalia III.

Strickland, M. S. (2010). Divastigations. Owlstain and Paris: Editions MSS.

Swopes, D. I. (1997). SCHAT v. SNE. The schizomythological clitalysis of texts as senimalistic praxis. Journal of Yazdehan Studies 2.

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